Is your digital self enough?
Date: 23/11-10/12 2020
School: Fridhems Folkhögskola
Performing Arts (Malmö) & Theatre 1st year (Svalöv)
Workshop in Performance Art where the students used the video game The Sims as a basis for body explorations, gibberish communication and how to work with green screen and post production. Two classes were divided into two groups and four performances were developed over three weeks. Week one contained an artist talk, a lecture and exercises (tempo, improvisation, masculine/feminine gestures, drag as a concept). Week two included development of avatars based on a digital animoji, costume development, scenography and concept development and week three where spent finalizing production, live performance and video documentation. A key element was how to work as a group to develop a performance concept where there were an element that the audience controlled. We also worked a lot on how to document performance art and four extensive video productions where produced.
Group 3: