12 traced sidewalk gaps from the Pearl Street Bridge in Johnson, Vermont, USA

Crayon on paper placed on wood and wrapped in latex.
Dimensions variable.

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Acrylic on wood.
47 x 36 cm

Blind lovers

Wood, bolts, rope and crayon on paper.
Dimension variable.

A piece of paper where placed on the groud on a sidewalk marker made for visually impaired people. I traced the marker using a black crayon. After finishing the drawing I placed the paper on the opposite side of the street tracing the other marker on the opposite side of the same paper.

Digestion Isolation

Acrylic and varnish on MDF.
117 x 92,5 cm


Acrylic and wax on canvas, wood and varnish.
53 x 55 x 7 cm

In case of an emergency

Rubber tube, drain stoppers, oatmeal, raisins, cinnamon, pumpkinseeds, flaxseeds and metal hose hanger.
Dimensions variable.

Panick attack

Acrylic on MDF.
117 x 92,5 cm

Real (body) Estate

Found wood and window glass, xerox machine prints and collage from local real estate magazine.
Dimension variable.

Starvation army

B/W-print on glossy paper and metal clips.
150 x 90 cm
Installation view, “Høstutstillingen 2011” at Kunstnernes Hus (NO)